Sunday, April 5, 2009

*phew* It's been a while

Well, after somewhere around a month of not posting I think I'm too far behind to give you a blow by blow on anything. And after thinking about it I wouldn't want to read a blow by blow of my life either so it's probably a good thing. =P

Anyways, through all of march I've basically been getting caught up in school (which is accomplished now!), learning about mixing, learning about songwriting, and training my voice. I can now sing four complete octaves without having to push my voice. IOW (in other words) it's easy to sing incredibly high now, but my voice is still cracking a lot when I get into head voice. And it doesn't sound pleasant when I get that high either =P And after (almost) completely reading this amazing songwriting book the song collaboration is turning into a song that almost looks singable =P With my new found recording and mixing knowledge I am also able to finally compose, record, and mix well enough to make it sound professional! So you can expect the first song demo this week =]

Thank God for blessing me with more musical knowledge and please pray that He would continue to guide me to more.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, been mostly busy learning some great new stuff and getting caught up in school. Spring break is this week so two more posts will probably appear on here within the next 10 days.

p.s. The duck is a real rubber ducky. As to why they would put it in there with a bunch of chocolates your guess is as good as mine...

Until next time~


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