Monday, February 2, 2009

First post!! =]

Considering the fact that the entire neighborhood is lit with the glow of an awesomazing sunset right now (see picture above that hardly does it justice considering all of the houses and electrical devises in the way of half of it *sigh* why do people have to go and ruin everything?) I figured now was the time to make my first blog post (even though I'm supposed to be doing school right now, don't worry mom, I can make up later tonight). Right now it seems like this will be my musical (and non-musical) thought dump of whatever happens to be on my mind whenever I can come up with time to put something on here. Maybe it will eventually kind of sort of turn into something semi-organized sometime in the future to help all of the people who have enough random unconnected virtual noise thrown at them constantly already. I guess I might as well start now. From henceforth the intro/whatever will be at the beginning along with any amazing nature moment pictures that I happen to take. Following will be the train-car of music related things, and the kabus (did I actually spell that right or did I just spell something that has nothing to do with the little red cars on the end of trains?) will be life struggles, lessons learned, and prayer requests. You don't have to pray for me if you don't want to but it's always appreciated =]

True Art is one of those mysterious things that no one can really teach. No one really understands it, even the authors themselves. Music, I think, is the most enthralling art form of all. The Lord has blessed me with the gift of expressing myself through music. I look back on songs I have composed in the past and see how far he has guided me (with the help of numerous music teachers) in my spiritual and musical journey. I laugh and cry as memories flood through my head when I look over my compositions of the past. I believe the Lord has called me to use my musical abillities to further His Kingdom so I intend to do so wholeheartedly for as long as I can. This general area will probably usually be wear you can find my updates on how things are going musically. Maybe I'll even put some song demos in here for you sometimes to hear for yourself =]

This last section I understand some of you may skip over and that's okay with me, I won't get offended or anything =] This section is dedicated to my spiritual struggles, random thoughts going through my head related to them, prayer requests, and updates. It would be much appreciated if you would pray that God guides me where he needs me to be both musically and spiritually.

I hope you enjoyed reading my first ever blog post and I also hope that the mumblings of another teen-aged music addict won't get *too* lost in the noise =]


  1. Awesome! I'd love to hear your music, so please put some up if you can!

  2. Hello from the UFie board! I'm TechisSO over at User Friendly. I look forward to reading more of your blog.

    As for the prayers, I have always found that God puts me exactly where he wants me to be. It's me that needs to accept where I've been put and work with what I've been given! That being said, I'll pray that God's guiding hand is in your life and that with His help you are able to grow musically and spiritually.
