Monday, February 16, 2009

Skiing, Dancing, Jazz Festival, and my first collaboration

Please excuse the very abrupt transitions between topics on this post *cheezy grin*

Square dancing, line dancing, barn dancing, and all that jazz is so much fun...except when you get stuck dancing the girl's part because there aren't enough girls there. I got to dance the girl's part at a square dance on Saturday (Valentines Day). Everything was backwards and I was thoroughly confused. It was still fun anyway =] (Next time Tyler, *I'll* steal *your* girl and you can see what it's like to dance the girl's part [insert innocent but mischievous grin here])

On Sunday and Monday we went skiing on several inches of fresh powder. Sunday was horrible though, it was terribly cold and when the wind picked up and it decided to snow it was time to go home. Monday was an incredibly ski day though. There was everything you could ask for on a perfect day: 5 inches of powder, no wind, not cold or hot, and patchy clouds to block the bright sun but still let enough light through to see well. The only thing missing is a hot shower which I intend to have right after I finish this post =]

Next week I get to go to the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival in Moscow Idaho. I'm reeaaally looking forward to it and I'll try to give ya'll updates throughout the course of it =]

The first song collaboration is going amazingly well!! We have the lyrics almost finished after only a couple weeks!! *does a happy dance, the guy's part specifically* Joy Geisinger (who I'm doing the collaboration with) has an absolutely amazing voice and is an amazing songwriter too =} I'll definately be putting the finished song up here when it's done =] It's basically about a guy *cough*me*cough* who is patiently waiting for The One. Please pray that this song would touch and inspire others to do the same.

Every time I post in the future, I'll try to post lyrics from one of the many songs I'm working on. These lyrics are from the song collaboration with Joy Geisinger:

"And I know it's so far,
Sometimes my dreams start to fade,
but Perfect Love always waits."

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